Cognitive Science (Kognitionsvidenskab)

Aarhus Universitet
20., 21. og 22. februar 2025

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Torsdag den 20. februar - online
Onlineoplæg om Cognitive Science

Mød vores studenterstudievejledere live, hør mere om uddannelsen og stil spørgsmål undervejs i onlineoplægget.

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Du kan sagtens høre flere onlineoplæg torsdag, så tjek programmet for at se, hvornår de uddannelser, som du er interesseret i, er på.

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Fredag den 21. februar - besøg uddannelsen
Introduction to Cognitive Science at Aarhus University does it mean to study Cognitive Science?

Victoria (master’s student at Cognitive Science) will welcome you in room 1441-012 where we will be for the remaining three hours. During the first 30 minutes you will get a brief introduction to what the study of Cognitive Science is about; how we use experimental and computational methods to study the mind and cognitive processes, and how the study is structured at Aarhus University.

Aarhus Universitet, Tåsingegade
Tåsingegade 3
8000 Aarhus C
Bygning: 1441
Lokale: 012
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Cognitive Science Mini Lecture

Curious about the academic life as a Cognitive Science student? For 45 minutes, you can experience it first-hand by attending this mini lecture on a topic from Cognitive Science with a member from the academic staff at the department. You will also get the opportunity to ask questions after the lecture.

Aarhus Universitet, Tåsingegade
Tåsingegade 3
8000 Aarhus C
Bygning: 1441
Lokale: 012
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Short break

Five minutes to stretch your legs!

Career Talks

In this section, you will get an overview of different career opportunities fit for Cognitive Science graduates. We will be joined by master’s student who will share experiences from their education and internships and talk about how they perceive the connection between what they learn at the program and possible future career paths. Additionally, the Head of Department Joshua Skewes has prepared a video presentation where he discusses the program’s design in relation to the typical industries and roles it prepares graduates for.

Aarhus Universitet, Tåsingegade
Tåsingegade 3
8000 Aarhus C
Bygning: 1441
Lokale: 012
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Meet the students: Project presentations and panel discussion/ Q&A-session

For the final hour, we will be joined by students from both the bachelor’s and master’s program in Cognitive Science who will share exam projects to give you a sense of some of the cool things you could potentially learn to do on the program. Afterwards, they will stay for a panel discussion/ Q&A-session, where you can hopefully get answers to some of your questions relating to Cognitive Science, student life, programming, or anything else that’s on your mind.

We look very much forward to seeing you!

Aarhus Universitet, Tåsingegade
Tåsingegade 3
8000 Aarhus C
Bygning: 1441
Lokale: 012
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Lørdag den 22. februar - uddannelsesmesse på Aarhus Universitet
Hør oplæg og tal med vejledere fra alle uddannelser

Du kan møde alle vores uddannelser på en gang. Hør studerendes oplæg om, hvad det vil sige at læse på en bestemt uddannelse, hvad det kræver at søge ind og om studielivet på Aarhus Universitet.

Du kan også høre om optagelse og SU og meget mere.

Se lørdagsprogram

Aarhus Universitet
Bartholins Allé 3
8000 Aarhus C
Bygning: Søauditorierne
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Tværfagligt oplæg

Bliv klogere på Cognitive Science og Lingvistik, når studievejlederne fra de to uddannelser fortæller om forskelle og ligheder.

Aarhus Universitet
Bartholins Allé 3
8000 Aarhus C
Bygning: Søauditorierne
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